David Collins: With The Tide

David Collins translates the sensibilities of the Hawkesbury River region with a personal and distinct visual language.

Barbara Campbell-Allen: An Informed Magic

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Artist Profile: Lucas Grogan

The work of Lucas Grogan may seem quick witted, flippant and off the cuff, but these blue beauties have been a lifetime in the making.

Artist Profile: Isobel Coady-Jiear

In her spare time, Art Edit’s own Isobel Coady-Jiear is diligently refining her art, turning to vivid and strong paint strokes to represent her human experience. Emma Pham writes.

Artist Profile: Joe Scoppa

Shaped by trials and tribulations, Joe Scoppa has learnt that the humbling journey towards creating an artwork is much more valuable than the finished design. Emma Pham writes.