Buying and styling Guides

Explore art buying and styling topics, from collecting controversial art to the art of buying quality over quantity.

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Expert Eye: Perfect Matchmakers

Rebecca Gross speaks to three art and design experts who show how artworks can be curated to create feeling, mood and diversity throughout spaces in your home.

Buyer’s Guide: Brave New Collectors

Confident, cashed up and well-travelled, a new generation of collectors is jumping in at the deep end, but many of the old rules of starting an art collection still apply, according to art consultants. Words by Louise Martin-Chew.
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Buyer’s Guide: Living with the Art you Want to Live With

Galleries once brought artworks to a buyer’s home to let them live with it for a few days before committing to a purchase, but are in-person experiences like these still necessary or are there other ways to visualise the art you want to live with in your space? Briony Downes writes.
Kunmanara Carroll, Walunguru. Stoneware, 46 x 30cm.  Courtesy: the artist and Ernabella Arts, Pukatja Community, APY Lands.

Expert Eye: How to buy authentically

A residential art collection is often best when it is deeply personal, reflecting the lived experience and values of the collector. Margaret Hancock Davis talks to Penny Craswell about her collection.

Gallery Panel

Leading commercial gallery experts examine the work of selected artists.

Designer's brief

Industry leading interior designers create bespoke looks for selected artworks.

Designer’s Brief: Carol Muller

We invite a designer to create a room to best display each of the four artworks we've selected. This issue, industry-leading interior designer Brooke Aitken takes up the challenge.

Designer’s Brief: Briar York

We invite a designer to create a room to best display each of the four artworks we've selected. This issue, industry-leading interior designer Brooke Aitken takes up the challenge.

Designer’s Brief: Carmel Boone

We invite a designer to create a room to best display each of the four artworks we've selected. This issue, industry-leading interior designer Brooke Aitken takes up the challenge.

Designer’s Brief: Miranda Hampson

Miranda Hampson’s symbolic artwork exudes dynamic energy and fluidity, yet beneath its surface lies a profound sense of depth and intricacy, accentuated by its cool, ocean-like colour palette.

Designer’s Brief: Roy B Wilkins

We invite a designer to create a room to best display each of the four artworks we’ve selected. This issue, industry-leading interior designer Greg Natale takes up the challenge.

Designer’s Brief: Heidi Savage

We invite a designer to create a room to best display each of the four artworks we’ve selected. This issue, industry-leading interior designer Greg Natale takes up the challenge.