In Series: Yvonne Raulston

Yvonne Raulston was 13 years old the first time she laid eyes on the Sydney Opera House. Now, years later, she has created a series exploring the structure in a beautifully different light.

In Series: Jessie Yi Xiao Chen

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In Series: Jemma Roberts

Jemma Roberts reflects on the changing landscape of the south coast of NSW post bushfire season. Branches lay intertwined and scorched, bearing monumental witness to seasons past.

In Series: Helena Skerlj-Rovers

Driven by intuition, Helena Skerlj-Rovers allows her instinct for colour and movement to override decision making. This series explores the spaces between the conscious and subconscious mind.

In Series: Finnegan McGrath

Using digital mediums, Finnegan McGrath plays with ideas of memory and time to capture the often unnoticed nuances of people and places within their natural surrounds.

In Series: Bernie Winkels

In the seemingly random accumulation of everyday signs and images, New Zealand-based artist Bernie Winkels finds humour, sincerity and zeal to offer a refreshing perspective on mundanity.

In Conversation With: Rob Walwyn

Documenting Australian landscapes in Aerochrome Colour Infrared film allows Rob Walwyn to portray his medium in a vastly different way.