Libby Knott, Senior Manager, Partner And Client Relationships:
There is no doubt the colour combination in Black Hole Sun packs a fairly solid eyeball punch. I’m reminded of street graffiti tagging when viewing this work as if Peter Spooner has zeroed in on a small section of a gigantic mural painted on the side of a train and enlarged that detail making no apology for its hectic marks and chaotic fuzz.’
Grace Alty, Curator, Artis Gallery, New Zealand:
‘Bold forms layered over abstracted planes of colour, Spooner, creates works that engage powerfully with the space it inhabits. Through the exploration of digital technology, he continues his quest to evolve his practice. Spooner’s interest in calligraphy is evident. Bold mark-making across the picture plane draws the viewer’s eye across the composition. Colour recedes into the crevices of the forms depicted, creating depth and three dimensions space within the work. The use of shape and colour are engaging and as the title suggests, Black Hole Sun, this painting dances to its own beat.’