In Series: Chris Riley

Set within the cosmopolitan playground of Palm Springs, California, Chris Riley creates scenes of forgotten summers with mid-century flare and nostalgia.

In Series: Scott Rennie

Photographer Scott Rennie’s latest series showcases the skies of Australia, isolated and de-contextualized, yet distinctly recognisable.

In Series: Stella Clark

Exploring spaces in nature through an abstract and semi-abstract practice, New Zealand-based artist Stella Clark heroes the often-overlooked elements that make up the world around us.

In Series: Sue MacLeod-Beere

With her signature soft painting style, Sue MacLeod-Beere looks beyond the surface to explore environments that aren’t always what they seem. MacLeod-Beere is represented by Brenda Colahan Fine Art, Sydney.

In Series: Tara McGibbon

Painting from memory, New Zealand-based artist Tara McGibbon works in acrylic and oil paint to capture moments of connection with nature.

In Series: Lydia Rose

Combining painting, photography and digital media, New Zealand-based artist Lydia Rose creates vibrant, colourful works that take us on a journey through the inner workings of her mind.

In Series: Arlon Hall

Adelaide-based artist Arlon Hall explores the relationships between painting movement and light. Playful, bold and refined, his works are a playground for line and colour.

In Series: Frances Hansen

Inspired by household objects, Frances Hansen explores the idea of the residue of an object. By fragmenting familiar items, Hansen allows room for viewers to create their own stories.